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Family Caregiver Mistake: Not Planning Ahead


The vast majority of people who are caring for elderly or chronically ill loved ones will wait for a crisis to force them to make a decision about hospice care in Ontario, California. That’s understandable.

It’s not easy to make a decision about how to provide care for a loved one.

It’s much easier to say, “Well, let’s just wait and see what happens.”

While these thoughts might be natural human reactions, it’s completely unrealistic.

When we sit around and wait for crisis to strive and dictate our actions about care, we limit we limit our options and deprive ourselves (and our loved ones) of the freedom to make informed, well-considered decisions.

We at Beacon Hospice Care — a trusted provider of palliative care services — believe that everyone benefits when we are proactive in a loved one’s care rather than reactive.

Therefore, we highly encourage making plans ahead of time.

In planning, sometimes the problem is not knowing your options — it’s having too many options.

Which is why we provide Social Work services, to help clients make the best decision for their situation.

Social workers can help analyze your funds, arrange a list of possible providers that will be able to meet your loved ones needs, and more.


We offer reliable nursing service in California for patients who need the extra support and care to better manage conditions and symptoms at home.

Contact us today to learn more about our services, today!

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